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6 Tips for Staying Safe in an RV

While you are traveling in your RV, make sure you are prepared for emergencies and potential dangers. Planning will help you avoid the would of, should of, and could of thoughts after the fact. Staying safe is easy if you are prepared, and below are 6 tips for staying safe in an RV. Be sure to advise anyone traveling with you on the safety plan. Again, preparation and planning is the key to success.

1. Be Alert

Staying alert is the key to avoiding issues. For example, don’t drive your RV through areas with issues such as protests or riots. Such as driving through some major cities late at night should be avoided at all costs. With the current state of things in some cities, always check the news and online headlines for cities along your route. Ensure you will not be traveling through an area that is a hotbed of activity or civil unrest.

2. Carry Wasp Spray

Not only for the obvious reasons of getting rid of stinging insects, but wasp spray can temporarily subdue an intruder. Wasp spray can be used in place of pepper spray should you encounter unwanted company. It will typically shoot up to 20 feet, incapacitating someone long enough to call for help or get to a safer location. Keep several cans on hand, preferably in several locations throughout the unit. Don’t forget to keep a can or two while you are enjoying the outdoors as well. The few seconds advantage gained from the wasp spray can make all the difference in the world.

3. Zip Ties

A must-have for a multitude of reasons, such as securing lines or holding things down. Zip ties come in very handy should you have an intruder that you need to secure until authorities arrive. Be sure to keep various lengths in your toolbox to prepare for any potential use that may arise.

Note: Be sure to have strong scissors or wire cutters to cut excess or remove zip tie.

4. Spare Keys

Always keep a spare set of keys in a secure location, such as a safe or something that has a lock or combination access. If the keys are lost, have peace of mind knowing an extra set is close by. Additionally, you may want to keep an extra RV key hidden in another location if you are locked out of your unit.

5. Air Horn

In a motorcoach, the horn is a great way to notify those around you that help is needed. Engage the horn on the steering wheel until someone arrives. For those in towables, be sure to carry an air horn or two. Be sure to keep them in separate locations for easy access. Air horns can disorientate a potential intruder and give you the vital few seconds you need to gain the upper hand. It’s also a great way to alert for help.…while you find the zip ties and can call for help.

6. Travel Plans

Always let friends or family know your travel plans. Provide updates as to where you are planning to stay and the route you are traveling. This will give your loved one peace of mind knowing where you are. Additionally, should you encounter any trouble, this will allow people to find your location or expected location more quickly.

Final thoughts

It’s always best to be prepared. We hope you will never need to use these tips, but as they say, better safe than sorry. Always be aware of your surroundings and don’t take unnecessary risks. And NEVER EVER open the door of your RV to someone you don’t know or expect.